Sunday, March 28, 2010

The New Resume

The traditional resume is boring. Its boring to write, its boring to read its just plain boring. That is why people are finding new ways to show what they are capable of to potential employers. Social networking has had a HUGE affect on how people network and who they know and have connections to. I believe that in the next couple of years the traditional resume is going to be out the door, and instead there will be some new tech savy resume. If the business world is changing, way wouldn't the way you get a job be changing too?

Traces of Inspiration » The Blog is the New Resume

Brazen Careerist Launches Social Resumes – WebWorkerDaily


  1. The resume is traditionally the first step to the employment process. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs are becoming the new first steps to employment because they are available to everyone. The traditional idea of how to show your skills and experiences to employers is definitely changing.

  2. While this makes sense, I just can't visualize the recruitment process without resumes.

  3. I don't necessarily think that the traditional resume is going out the door, but rather changing the space where it is going to be needed. You are still going to need to show employers your experience and skills, but it will become a part of a bigger picture of who you are - the best place for that is a blog.
