Monday, January 18, 2010

The Social Graph

Society today has become so engulfed in the internet and posting information online for everyone to view, it has become like a huge bank of knowledge that people can just tap into whenever they want.

Because of this wealth of information you can research anything and then use that information to create new information. All it takes is the willingness to find the answers to your questions. Since knowledge can now be so easily gained I believe that people can become more educated on a variety of topics. It is possible now to use data posted by someone else online to delve even further into a topic and expand upon it, possibly in a direction never thought of by the initial person who exposed the information to the web.

As a society we want our news and we want it know and fast. Forums like Ignite can provide us with that. It is incredible to think that people all over the world can view that video and be able to learn the same information at the same time. It goes to show that networks are everywhere, and we are a society that thrives on sharing knowledge to our networks and others out there who are interested in the same information.

Facebook is another aspect that deals with sharing a wealth of information and keeping people updated on what is going on it the world. All facebook users have seen or posted news that they want their peers and others to view. Facebook updates sometimes even deal with responding to tragedy and together people raise awareness quickly about an important event. The internet and Web 2.0 is rapidly changing how many people receive their news and the speed at which is comes.

"Improving your ability to Share and Connect (Mark Zuckerburg on the Facebook Blog)"
"YouTube - Visualizing the U.S. Senate by Social Graph - Andrew Odewahn"


  1. It is truly amazing when you think about the abundance of knowledge that we have it our fingertips. The mass of knowledge that is available should continue to grow our individual knowledge bases as we move forward. While this is full of positives, the one area that I dislike is that arguments are never as fun when someone can pull out their blackberry or iphone and find the answer immediately!

  2. It is super convenient that we have tons of technology at our fingertips. Machines that took up entire rooms 20 years ago now fit inside our pockets. We are exponentially becoming more intelligent as a species, but sometimes all the technology can be a little much. Whats next? We already enough technology that we dont have to even leave our beds to go to work.
