Many companies today are doing whatever they can to save money, in order to make sure that their businesses are as profitable as possible. Companies are known for outsourcing jobs to other countries where labor is cheaper. I actually know someone who had to go to India to train her replacement, crazy right. The question is has crowdsourcing, become a new area of outsourcing?
It sounds like if you are in the field of graphic design and or photography, you have a lot of cheap competition. They may not offer the quality that you do, but it comes close and doesn’t cost nearly as much. What baffles my mind is that there are people who are out their “freelancing” and charging so little for their talents. Is it out of desperation to just earn some cash, or possibly a hobby that people have discovered can make them money?
Whatever your opinion is on crowdsourcing it seems to me that individuals in the “arts” industry need to reevaluate their current situation.